Turning thoughts into action with Nicole Kernohan | Ep. 12 Content Magic with Lindsay Smith

Feb 13, 2024
Lindsay Smith
Turning thoughts into action with Nicole Kernohan | Ep. 12 Content Magic with Lindsay Smith

Today on the podcast I'm welcoming my friend Nicole Kernohan, a high-performance coach whose expertise lies in mindset and positive psychology. 

In this episode, Nicole shares some tips on how to shift from scarcity to abundance, how to interrupt negative thought patterns, the importance of determining your values and why we all need to practice non-judgement. 

We also chat about how these things apply to entrepreneurship and content creation. 

You won't want to miss this one!

04:49 Transitioned into psychology due to retail experience.

09:33 Realizing autopilot habits, aligning choices intentionally.

11:52 Social media influence on personal goals and values.

15:06 Repetition shapes beliefs, habits, and actions profoundly.

19:03 Confirm concepts, shift thoughts to positive space.

22:39 Struggling with anger and guilt in parenting.

26:08 Process of shifting mindset from lack to abundance.

28:07 Believe in abundance, gratitude, and positive energy.

31:03 Lindsay discusses giving, receiving, intention, and worthiness.

36:10 Increasing rates reflects worth and self-image.

37:33 Rejection is fine, freebies soften the blow.

Instagram: @nicole_kernohan
Website: nicolekernohan.com 


Nicole [00:00:00]:
Is making me think of social idealisms is the term I use, but it's this idea of I should, I should.

Lindsay [00:00:08]:
Or ought to, and hate that word.

Lindsay [00:00:11]:
If you have an online business, you're creating content. And the way you create content is more important than ever. It's really noisy out there and learning to stand out is the only way. Hey, I'm Lindsay and I'm the host of of the content Magic podcast. All about being an entrepreneur and creating kick ass content to market yourself and your business. I have a not so secret superpower for copywriting, marketing and content, and I've helped hundreds of folks just like you show up with a ton of confidence in the online space. I've been doing this content thing for 20 years, and I believe the real magic is a combo of intuition, creativity and strategy. You can create content for your business without losing your mind, I promise.

Lindsay [00:00:56]:
So tune in every week for tangible content, tips, inspiring guests, and some real spicy opinions. Probably mine.

Lindsay [00:01:04]:
Ready to dive in? Let's go. Hi, friends. Welcome back to the podcast. And I'm very excited to welcome my friend Nicole here today. Nicole and I met through the world of network marketing many, many years ago, and then I just kind of kept creeping her. Hi, Nicole. Welcome.

Nicole [00:01:22]:
Hi. Thank you. Excited to be here and chat with you today.

Lindsay [00:01:29]:
So I'm going to get you to introduce yourself. So why don't you tell our listeners where you are and who you are and what you do and who you help.

Nicole [00:01:38]:
All right, so, Nicole Kernahan. I'm based out of. For canadian listeners, it's St. Thomas, Ontario. For anyone else, I generally say it's outside of Toronto is kind of the general area. I refer to myself as a high performance coach or sometimes a positive psychology coach. I primarily work with mostly entrepreneurs and business owners, but also other individuals who really want to shift their life experience, shift their results, shift their actions, their behaviors through understanding the root cause. And that's really kind of where we get into your mindset and into the psychology of behavior and the psychology of your results.

Nicole [00:02:23]:
And I partner with elevated worldwide. That's the primary organization that I mostly focus on and work with to help clients. So it's a lot of fun and it's been incredible. It's been eight years now. I guess we met before that, Lindsay. Yeah. Was it probably before that? Or maybe just around that time, I guess, because it's going to be similar.

Lindsay [00:02:48]:
Okay, cool. I love that. And we talk a lot about mindset on this podcast and the role that it plays in your success as an entrepreneur. So can you tell me a little bit about your road to entrepreneurship and how you became a coach and where did this come from?

Nicole [00:03:10]:
Oh, for sure. So I went to university for business, and then I went into corporate for ten years. So I actually worked in canadian entire corporation in strategy, marketing, different business roles for ten years. But I always knew deep down that I actually enjoyed it. So I know people sometimes just really hate their job. I actually really enjoyed it. I liked the company. I like the people.

Nicole [00:03:37]:
I just knew it wasn't my calling. I wasn't fully fulfilled. I had this nagging inside, like, I haven't arrived. And my parents were entrepreneurs and my grandparents were entrepreneurs. So that is a big deal. To be honest, I didn't know it at the time, but because of that, it was familiar to me to be an entrepreneur. It wasn't like, crazy idea. When I told people I was leaving corporate and starting a business, some of them thought I was crazy.

Nicole [00:04:05]:
And, like, you've lost your mind. You're leaving a safe job. Your career is set, you're moving up. But for me, because it was familiar to me and I knew it was something that was calling me, it was not as challenging of a decision. And I will say, just speaking of mindset, Lindsay, that first step to making a change is a huge barrier for a lot of people. If they didn't grow up in an environment where entrepreneurship was celebrated or normal, then that first step in and of itself is a huge thing. But I actually started and I opened a health food retail business. So I opened and moved into retail initially.

Nicole [00:04:49]:
Luckily, I would say, thankfully, I ended up moving out of that industry before COVID because it was a retail business in a shopping mall. And it was actually during that time in retail that I stumbled into this world of psychology. I was working with clients in health, and I found that they would have all these barriers. They would say they want to get healthier, lose weight, or do all these things, or even work through physical ailments, but then they had all these barriers. I'm not the type of person who can, or I've tried everything, or I don't have the time, or I was like, okay, all right. There's something deeper than knowing what to do and actually doing it. And that's kind of like the turning point when I stumbled into psychology and I decided to transition, and I took some full courses and certifications to move fully into the psychology industry.

Lindsay [00:05:48]:
I love that. And retail is no joke, man. That's like rent and employees and a lot of overhead and stocking products. Yeah, it is.

Nicole [00:06:04]:
And I will say, though, for any listeners who are in that business model, I don't have anything against it. My parents actually were in fast food retail, and my grandparents and others, they loved it. It worked for them. They had great success. It was not for me personally because I identified, which I also invite my clients and others to do is identify what you truly value. And I know that I value time, flexibility. I really love working from home. I love working whenever I want.

Nicole [00:06:34]:
Right. And so the idea of having a retail business in a mall that's open seven days a week, if I had identified my values before, I probably wouldn't even have gone into that industry. But I didn't know at the time what I didn't know, so I don't regret it. It's always, you always learn, but nowadays it's like, oh, what are some of your core values? And choose an entrepreneurial venture that aligns with that.

Lindsay [00:06:56]:
Yes, that's true. Right. And it's true. You don't know what you don't know. And let's talk about that a little bit. Values, this is something that comes up a lot, and it comes up with my own clients as well. And it comes up sort of in the content world, too. A lot of coaches, like in the coaching space, talk about figuring out what your values are first before you, because the entrepreneur life, as you know, you can work a lot.

Lindsay [00:07:28]:
You can work all the time if you want. Yes, you can. But if you don't have those values in place, like your family and your freedom, and for me, everything shuts down at 03:00 p.m. Because the kids get off the bus. Right. So I feel like that value piece, do you think people forget about that part of entrepreneurship?

Nicole [00:07:54]:
Oh, yeah. Huge. And it's not even just entrepreneurship. It shows up there a lot because an entrepreneur is in direct control of their results. Right. So it's so easy when you're on a salary, you might lose your job if you don't do it, but you know, you're getting a paycheck every two weeks. When you are an entrepreneur, you have so much more control. So that desire, fear, there's all sorts of different emotions that come in that can allow people to.

Nicole [00:08:22]:
Where I'm going with this is to focus so much on their goals or their results that they lose sight of their values. And I've seen that a lot. And to be honest, I love what you said, like, identifying those values early on so that they can come along on the ride to your goals. Why are you even doing your business? Why are you even choosing, if you are choosing to put yourself out there in events or on social, at the end of the day, there are true values that you have that you likely want those people or those experiences or time to be part of that journey. But it really, for the most part, does require intentionality. That's what I've discovered over the last eight years. It's like really being intentional with your values. And like you said, having non negotiables.

Nicole [00:09:14]:
Okay, 03:00 p.m. That's my stop time. And maybe there are times, there are days where later on in the evening, or there may be something comes up or you choose to add that in, but it's not because you have to or you need to. It's trying to get into that place of choice.

Lindsay [00:09:33]:
Yes, agreed. And I think as I get older, too, I realize that you start to realize the things that you do on autopilot, and you're kind of like, oh, is this something that is really aligned with me, or is it something that I've just always done? Or it's something that's expected of me for the longest time, pricing some of my offers, right? It was always like, oh, someone told me this is how I should price my offers. And it wasn't until recently. And I was like, wait a minute. That's not how I want to price this. And checking in with yourself and being like, what is my intention here? And having that type of intentionality in all the choices you make, whether it's parenting or in your business or in your personal life, be like, and as I get older, you kind of am like, okay, my time is finite, so where do I want to focus my energy? And I used to operate from a place of to do list and, like, a to do list, especially in my business, like, it never ends, right? So now it's kind of like, it has to be enough. Like, these three things that I did today, that has to be enough. That's how much energy I had today, or that's where I chose to focus my energy today.

Lindsay [00:10:52]:
Right? And I think the same is true for. And I was just saying this to a girlfriend this morning. I was like, I'm going to try TikTok. She was like, hold on a minute. She's like, getting, is this like, shiny object syndrome? She's like, don't spread yourself too thin. And she reminded me that my word for the year was simplicity. I was like, oh, shit, maybe this is that idea, right? And again, if I am going to try TikTok, be intentional about it and be real with how much energy you have to put towards that, and look at where you're spreading your energy and be like, okay, is this a good use of my energy? Is this a good use of my energy? Where do I want to focus here?

Nicole [00:11:38]:
Yeah, I think one of the big things that when you're sharing that, that is making me think of social idealisms is the term I use. But it's this idea of I should or I ought to.

Lindsay [00:11:51]:
I hate that word.

Nicole [00:11:52]:
What is either your family or your church or your workplace? These are mostly entrepreneurs listening here, but your society in general, what is social media telling you you should do? I should be doing this. I should be doing that. Instead of, what are my objectives, what are my values, where are my strengths? What am I actually good at? What's going to really move me forward in my goals? And it's a practice. A lot of us, especially with even younger generations, being so influenced by social media and other people. But to really get away from the shoulds, sometimes you might feel like, I should do something, and I truly want to do that. And you're unaligned with that, and then that's okay. But there are so many times where we run ourselves into the ground because we have all these shoulds that are not truly aligned with who we are and where we're going. So such a powerful awareness.

Lindsay [00:13:00]:
Yes, and I agree with that. And I always tell people, stop shooting all over yourself. Right. Because there's so many. And a lot of my clients come to me and they're like, oh, well, so and so told me I should be posting seven times a day. And I'm like, who is this so and so? And is that sustainable for you? So, yes, I agree with that word, should. It's like a not great word. Okay, so can you tell us a little bit about, before we started recording, you told me driving your results starts here.

Lindsay [00:13:37]:
It starts in your mindset, which creates your behaviors. Yes. Which creates your results. Can you tell us a little bit more about that and the work that you do?

Nicole [00:13:48]:
Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah. One way to articulate it is your thoughts lead. Your conscious thoughts lead. I know that people are listening and can't see us using our hands. We're pointing to our head.

Lindsay [00:14:01]:
I know we're pointing to our heads. They're in your head.

Nicole [00:14:03]:
They're not actually in your head. But we think that's where we visually represent them. Our thoughts lead to our feelings. Your thoughts repeated over time with belief. Like lead to your feelings, which are that deeper, subconscious part of you. And it's your energy. By energy, I mean feelings, attitude, beliefs. It's that emotional state that moves into action.

Nicole [00:14:29]:
It's not just your action that creates your results. It's the energy in your action, the feeling in your action, the belief, the attitude. It's the emotion in your action that leads to your results. That's why two people can be posting seven times a week or seven times a day. Two people can be doing the same action in the same industry, in the same market, even literally saying the same words and get completely different results. And it's because it's not. Action is required for results, any results, whatever results mean to you. If it's growing your business, getting a bigger following, maybe it's even in health or relationships.

Nicole [00:15:06]:
It's not just this applies to all areas of life, but it really does kind of follow that train of your thoughts, repeated over time, lead to your emotions, your feelings, your beliefs, and that emotion goes into action. And I think one of the other big things to note along this line is that that emotional state we refer to as your subconscious, you may have heard that other people listening, this conscious subconscious becoming more commonly talked about that subconscious is also where all of your habits. You mentioned autopilot, Lindsay, a little while ago. It's all of your autopilot behaviors, your habits, and it represents like 93% to 97% of your day. All of us, we are mostly on autopilot. We are mostly habitual. Most of our actions, whether we think they are or not, are habitual. So it is so important to kind of catch that train and shift the starting point, shift the initial thought in order to change the subconscious.

Nicole [00:16:15]:
And then. I hope I'm not going too detailed here.

Lindsay [00:16:18]:

Nicole [00:16:20]:
Which therefore will change the energy in your actions. And it also often changes your action, because if you feel good, you will likely want to do more and it'll change the result of the action that you take regardless. So there's a little overview.

Lindsay [00:16:38]:
No, but I love that we talk about conscious and subconscious stuff all the time over here.

Nicole [00:16:44]:

Lindsay [00:16:44]:
And you talked about catching yourself in that loop. So let's say we all get caught in this rick roll of doom in our heads. And I'm pointing to my head again, right? Whatever it is, if it's entrepreneurship, like you said, if it's a relationship, if it's your health or whatever, we all got into this doom scroll of like, oh, my God, I can't do it. Everything's terrible. It's not working, burn everything to the ground. So how do you interrupt that loop so that you can produce different results?

Nicole [00:17:25]:
For sure, there's a variety of ways. So there's not only, I know you kind of said this, I think, earlier on, there's not only one way to do anything, to change anything. Anyone can change, and there are many ways to do it. So if you try something and it doesn't work, there is another way. So the words I've tried everything should be removed. I just said should, but the words I've tried everything could, if you choose, be removed from your vocabulary. You've never tried everything. And two things I would say in your response to how to actually catch yourself and stop the train from running.

Nicole [00:18:06]:
You can literally say the words stop. You have to catch it. And because we're on autopilot, sometimes you don't catch it. If you can practice catching yourself, sometimes it's helpful for people to just try. Like the morning, say from nine to 11:00 a.m. Or nine to ten. Sometimes you can block a piece of time and say, from nine to 10:00 a.m. I'm going to catch my words.

Nicole [00:18:25]:
I'm going to catch my thoughts. Right. Often after ten minutes, you've forgotten you were doing that, but maybe put an elastic on your wrist. But you literally can say the word stop out loud. Preferably no matter where you are, you have to interrupt the momentum of the thought stop. And then you could ask yourself, is that true? Is that thought true? Is it true that I absolutely don't have enough time? And is it true that I've tried everything? Is it true that bad things just happened to me? If you're in a frustrated mood, you might say, yes, it is true. It is true that all those things happen. So then stop.

Nicole [00:19:03]:
Again. Can you 100% confirm you might have heard some of this concept from Byron? Katie, can you 100% confirm that it is true that you have tried everything and it just never works out for you? Then you pause. Okay, I guess it's not completely true. It's possible you have to stop the all or nothing patterns. That's where we go so often. So catch your words, catch your thoughts. And what I also would really invite people to do is to practice shifting your thoughts when you're not in the momentum of the difficult thought. When you're first thing in the morning, and hopefully if it's early enough, if you can catch yourself before you go into momentum of panic or fear or whatever emotion you tend to go to or right before you fall asleep.

Nicole [00:19:52]:
Or maybe there's a period of time in the afternoon where you generally feel relaxed. Practice being intentional with choosing things to be grateful for, things that you're proud about. Point out to yourself positive things when you're not in the momentum, not only when you're in the momentum of the negativity, because when you're in the momentum of, it's harder to stop it. And it's possible, but it's harder. So both of those times catch it when you're in it, as well as practice shifting it when you're not in those negative feelings.

Lindsay [00:20:24]:
I love that, and I love saying stop out loud, and I feel like, stop. And this was a part of my yoga teacher training, too. And I feel like this is a practice, too. Right? Just becoming aware of your thoughts and being, like, the watcher of your thoughts. Right. And I talk about this, too, even with my clients. Sometimes when it's about coming up with content ideas, I'm like, can you just be, like, the watcher of your ideas and just noticing what's coming up without judging it? And we used to talk about that in yoga a lot, right? And again, it was the same if somebody was lying in Shavasana, too. Be like, notice what your body's feeling without judging it, what's sore, what's hurting, what feels tingly.

Lindsay [00:21:13]:
So I feel like that's a practice, too. It's almost like sometimes I call it like a movie. It's just like, pretend you're watching your thoughts as a third person and watching it as what's happening as a movie.

Nicole [00:21:29]:
That's so good and so important. The non judgment piece, it's just so beautiful on the other side when you're not judging yourself all the time.

Lindsay [00:21:43]:
Yes. Oh, my God.

Nicole [00:21:44]:
Because what could happen, I'm just visualizing is someone stopping themselves from the negative thought and then judging themselves that they just had a negative.

Lindsay [00:21:52]:
Having the negative. Yeah.

Nicole [00:21:53]:
No, that we are programmed from birth. The first seven years of your life, you had no choice of what was programmed into your mind because your subconscious was wide open. And anytime someone said, no, you can't, no, you can't. No, you can't. No, you can't. No, you can't. No, you can't. No, you can't.

Nicole [00:22:09]:
No, you can't. Even if they were well intended trying to avoid you from hurting yourself, you have a deeply rooted belief of I can't. And fear and worry and what if I get hurt? What if I fail? So it's not your fault that you have those thoughts? It is your responsibility and your opportunity to choose to change it. And being kind to yourself will make it easier to change it than always trying to just stranglehold yourself with anger. If you get frustrated.

Lindsay [00:22:39]:
Yes. And I feel like I've had that thought of being like, especially with my kids or getting angry with my kids and then being mad at myself for being angry with my kids. Right. Instead of just being like, okay, that was a moment in time. Apologize to my kids for being an asshole. Right. Because it's so easy to get sucked into that. And I find it more with parenting than in my business, but it's so easy to get sucked into that place of, well, just like, not giving yourself any grace and just being like, oh my God, what have I done? I've messed everything up.

Lindsay [00:23:22]:
Instead of just taking a minute, be like, okay, that was a moment in time. And like you said before, this doesn't define who I am. It was just a moment. And then being able to move on. Yeah, that no judgment thing, that's big.

Nicole [00:23:40]:
And using words in general, even just using the words of giving myself grace or using as an affirmation or just as a thought, like, I give myself grace or I am practicing being kind to myself, even using that language, instead of, I am going to try not to judge myself or stop judging myself or no judgment because I know I use the word no judgment even in this conversation. And using what you want to create rather than the avoidance of what you don't want to create in your language will help with all of those transitions.

Lindsay [00:24:18]:
Yeah, transition. Yeah, that's what it's called. Okay, so something I know that, well, we talk about a lot is this idea of, and I know this is something that you're really good at, is this idea from shifting from this scarcity mindset to abundant mindset. And I realize this sort of applies to a bunch of areas of life. Like we've been saying, entrepreneurship, relationships, parenting, health, whatever. And this is also something that I talk about with my clients a lot, too. I mean, I'm by no means a mindset person. I'm content only.

Lindsay [00:25:01]:
But I do notice when you're putting stuff out into the world, you're putting content out into the world. There is a shift of energy, maybe of like, oh, this sucks. I'm just going to put it up anyway to like, oh my God, I'm so smart. I'm putting this out into the world. Right? And I also talk about content in the terms of this energy of getting something. Like, you're not putting stuff out into the world with the energy of get like, oh, I have to hook the people in to get them right. I'm like, you can't put content out into the world with that energy because it's gross. And I feel like this is something that I don't know, it's something that everybody needs to learn.

Lindsay [00:25:48]:
This idea of shifting from scarcity to thinking like, oh, my God, everything's possible. Instead of like, oh, it's not going to work for me. Everything's like, how do you make that jump? How do you make that shift? Or is that too big a question?

Nicole [00:26:05]:
It's a big question.

Lindsay [00:26:06]:
And it's possible.

Nicole [00:26:08]:
I like to always reinforce that it is possible for anyone to do what you described. And yeah, I usually spend, we do like daily work for 30 days in a process to help people make that shift. And what you've programmed in your life for the first 2030, 40, 50 years typically is not unprogrammed overnight. So it does typically require a process of repetition to shift, to habitually shift their perspective from lack to abundance or not enough to enough. Right? So there is a bit of a process and it really follows through the same thing that we talked about earlier, of conscious to subconscious to moving that into action. Because when someone is consciously thinking that I don't have enough time, I don't have enough money, there isn't enough, I'm not good enough, especially if it's, let's use money, for example, I don't have enough money, therefore I need more money. Therefore, this content that I'm creating needs to hook people in so that they want to buy the thing that I sell or with the service or whatever it is, it is a thought of lack. There's enough.

Nicole [00:27:24]:
Therefore that feeling typically, right, it moves into fear, worry, there's doubts. So that is lack energy, lack emotion. And that moves into. And then that's the action, the energy that's in your actions. So even if you. That's why we talked earlier. Even if you're saying the words in your content that sound great, but your energy is, I hope they like this because I really need them to buy this because I don't have enough money right now. And it's, you have to clean up your energy before you go in to creating content or doing a presentation or talking to a prospect, clean up that state to truly know that it is enough.

Nicole [00:28:07]:
On the other side of that, on the abundant side or the enough side, it is the thought of there is always enough, even if I don't see it in my circumstances right now, there is enough time, there is enough money, there's feelings of faith, feelings of love, right? Feeling calm, confident, and then moving into action. If you create a piece of content with that energy of, I'm good, I'm calm, I'm loved, I have faith that things are going to work out for me. Things always work out for me. And then you create a piece of content from that state, you will have a very different result than literally the same type of content in the other state. Anyways, that's not exactly answering the how to do it. One of the first step in how is awareness of what I just explained. If you write all those words out, all those thoughts and feelings, then all the thoughts and feelings on the other side is to catch yourself when you're in those states. A practice of gratitude, literally taking a step back, taking a breath, looking around in your current circumstance for the things that you truly are thankful for right now is one piece of a step that can help you shift, because then you can take a breath and say, oh, yeah, okay, I have this clean drinking water.

Nicole [00:29:33]:
I really am. I'm genuinely grateful for this. I'm genuinely grateful for my family, I'm genuinely grateful, like, okay, things are okay and can kind of reposition your state.

Lindsay [00:29:44]:
And I love what you say, like, the energy of your action, right? I don't think I've ever heard anyone say it quite like that. And it makes so much more sense, rather than just like, your energy or like your vibration or whatever, but the energy of your action, to me, that makes it so much clearer, more clearer.

Nicole [00:30:07]:
I think both of those words work, but, yeah, no, it's true.

Lindsay [00:30:12]:
Thank you. Yeah. Anyways, I love how you say that, and I think it makes it clear to people listening. It's not just your energy, like your vibration or whatever. It doesn't have to be woo woo. It can actually be rooted in science. Be like, what is the energy of my action here? What is the intention of this action? Right? And I use this example. There was a time where I put out this training, and that was the energy of the action.

Lindsay [00:30:43]:
It was like, oh, my God, I need people to buy this because I have to pay my car, the kids, soccer or whatever. And then I ended up canceling it because I was like, this is gross. Why would I put out a training? Because I'm trying to get something from someone, right? The idea of putting out a training is because I want to offer something to someone, not because I'm trying to get something from somebody.

Nicole [00:31:03]:
And Lindsay, I hope I'm not interrupting you, but I want to call this out because this is a really powerful example. A lot of the people who, because you can go too far on the other direction, people can go so far into the giving and then not receiving. And the cycle includes absolutely your intention, not just you, I mean, people listening in a business, your intention is to give and to serve and the impact and the influence you can have on others, which is totally in alignment with who I am. Myself personally, I know my purpose is to help people wake up and shift and find peace and freedom, whatever that looks like for them. And knowing that on the other end of that, I am worthy and good enough to also receive compensation or something in exchange for that incredible value. And I'm not taking away. It's not a give and take even it could seem like that we are both winning. It's a win win because sometimes it can go so far the other side where you're like, oh no.

Nicole [00:32:14]:
And then when people actually offer to buy your product or service, like, oh no, I was just giving it because I wanted to give you goodness. You don't need to give me anything in exchange because that technically stumbles all the way back into a bit of the lack side of like, belief. You're worthy, but I'm not quite worthy. So it's just this fine balance, because I find we have people who are in the more taker energy and then there are people who are in the so much giving, like parent moms often can lead to this. They give to everyone, give, give in their personal life, work, all those things, and then forget not just money, but time, forget to give that to themselves or just receive from others. If someone offers to say, can I help you with that? Can you say, yes, you can help me with that. Thank you. Or are you like, no, I can't help you, I'm good, I got this, I don't need it.

Nicole [00:33:05]:
Or if someone says, if you're having people over for dinner and they say, what can I bring? And you say, nothing, just bring yourselves. That's lovely. And practice.

Lindsay [00:33:14]:
Bring the bring.

Nicole [00:33:14]:
Yes, you can bring something. Of course you can. Thank you. Thank you so much for offering to bring something. Here's what you can bring. It's like that practice of being willing to give and receive. So anyway, thank you for catching that. Because on the true abundance side, it is the full cycle of giving and receiving.

Lindsay [00:33:32]:
And I never thought of it that way. Right? And I have been on that end. Been on that end of just like, no, I just want to give you this advice for free. Here you go. Bye. And I've had people offer to pay me and just been like, no, this was just like a voice note full of ideas. You don't have to pay me for that. That's so interesting.

Lindsay [00:33:49]:
And I never thought of it. Of the abundant mindset part that it goes both ways. I never thought of that.

Nicole [00:33:57]:
And I think it's not giving with expectation of receiving, it's giving if you're truly giving. If you're doing something with the intention of truly giving, that's not with no expectation versus giving with expectation. Right. If it is a paid service, then maybe you are expecting a payment because it's a paid service. But if you're just doing something as a generous act without expectation, it's different. And if someone genuinely wants to give to you, can you receive it as well so you can trust yourself? I know there's no right or wrong in every circumstance. Right. It's just in this moment.

Nicole [00:34:37]:
Yes, I think I can trust myself to say, yes, I will accept that offer.

Lindsay [00:34:43]:

Nicole [00:34:44]:

Lindsay [00:34:45]:
Yeah. Trusting yourself. Oh, my God. Yeah, there's so many. Oh, my God. My brain is going now that you're saying all these things. And some of it is belief, I think, too, right. The belief that the services or the products that you're offering.

Lindsay [00:35:06]:
Right. Are worthy of, you know, whatever it is. Like, if it, you know, like, as you said, like, as a mom or you're having. Or having people for dinner or whatever, or someone offering to help and being like, yes, please, I'll take your help. And the other piece is like, it's worthy of being paid for your services or your product or whatever it is that you're putting out into the world. Right. Most of the people I work with are service providers. And like I said, pricing those things sometimes can be tricky because you have to find, you know, like, you have to figure out, okay, obviously I have to make a living at this, but also, where's a price that I feel comfortable, that I think you need to stretch yourself a little bit, but also be comfortable.

Lindsay [00:36:00]:
And being like, this is what this costs. I don't know. Now my brain is going a mile a. Yeah, it's.

Nicole [00:36:08]:
It is.

Lindsay [00:36:08]:
It is kind of interesting.

Nicole [00:36:10]:
Lindsay, I will say some of my clients have significantly increased their rates in their service, not from ego or, like, truly, partially because demand just goes up a lot more when they're in flow, when they're in a generous state and a truly abundant, like, I don't need your service. I just want to help you when they're in that truly true feeling and feeling worthy of being able to charge that. I don't typically recommend people just double their rates overnight because they won't be in alignment with it, regardless of whether it's worth it or not. It might be a shock to your clients also, but it's hard for someone, for their own self image to get their head up to that and practicing. It's deeper. It is like beliefs, self worth, self image, it's that deeper stuff to be willing to say and to be willing for people. Some people will say no, and that is outside of my budget, and that is okay. And that's okay, right? We're not a fit for every person, and maybe there's someone else that you can refer and say, you know what, I think you might need this other service that's a little bit more aligned with what you're looking for.

Nicole [00:37:26]:
And that's also abundant if you're willing to refer.

Lindsay [00:37:31]:
Yes. Oh, my God. I totally agree.

Nicole [00:37:33]:

Lindsay [00:37:33]:
And I've had people tell me that I'm too much, and I'm like, okay, cool. It's not a reflection of me at all. And again, this might be as I get older because I feel like after 40, you just don't care as much anymore. You don't get aspended as much anymore. But people say no to me all the time. I'm just kind of like, that's okay. It's just not my right client. And more often than not, I give them like a free training or a free something and be like, listen, maybe this can know any of the freebies I have.

Lindsay [00:38:07]:
Nicole, you're lovely. Thank you for coming. What are you working on and where can people find you?

Nicole [00:38:14]:
Well, thank you. This has been so much fun. I love getting into this kind of stuff. It's just totally my passion. And say we myself, with elevator worldwide, working on some virtual events and some in person events. The in person events are often, like I was saying earlier, in Utah and Salt, near Salt Lake, sometimes in California. And we also do virtual events. So keep elevated.com would probably be the website to go to to find out about events, where we talk in a lot more detail about this kind of stuff.

Nicole [00:38:51]:
Our primary audience is entrepreneurs. Not exclusively, and even if they are entrepreneurs, you're working on your whole self. You are one self, sure. And what's affecting you in your relationships and in your health is also showing up in your business, whether you think so or that would be a great place. Of course, people can also always just find me on social. I share a lot of free content. Just Nicole Kernahan, Facebook, Instagram, those are primary places. But yeah, I would love to see folks and support, and this has been a lot of fun.

Nicole [00:39:24]:
Thank you so much for having me.

Lindsay [00:39:26]:
Oh, my pleasure. We'll put all that stuff in the show notes. Everybody can find you. And thank you for coming. It's so lovely to chat with you.

Nicole [00:39:35]:
Thank you.

Lindsay [00:39:36]:

Lindsay [00:39:38]:
Thank you so much for listening. If you loved what you heard, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, or share this episode on social media. And don't forget to tag me on Instagram at Lindsay Smith Creative. And if you do all three, I'll be your best friend forever and invite you to all my birthday parties. That's it for today, and I'll see you next time. Bye.


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