The secret to a nurture sequence that converts (Email workshop series part 5) | Ep. 34 Content Magic with Lindsay Smith

Jun 21, 2024
Lindsay Smith
The secret to a nurture sequence that converts (Email workshop series part 5) | Ep. 34 Content Magic with Lindsay Smith

Welcome back to the fifth and final episode in my special series, How to Have a Love Affair with Email Marketing. If you're just tuning in, go back to episode #30 and start from the beginning! And, don't forget to grab your free workbook. 

In this episode, we'll be diving into the concept of nurture sequences—those series of automated emails that guide your potential customers on a journey from curious onlookers to loyal clients.

Think of it as crafting a puzzle that perfectly aligns their needs with your offerings. I'll walk you through the strategy behind it, share effective examples, and unveil tips from my new program, the Email Lab, designed to make email marketing manageable and profitable.

New program: The Email Lab

Lindsay [00:00:00]:
The thing about nurture sequences that I love both on like behalf of me and my own business and doing them for other clients is like. It's a, it's like a puzzle. If you have an online business, you're creating content. And the way you create content is more important than ever. It's really noisy out there and learning to stand out is the only way. Hey, I'm Lindsey and I'm the host of the content Magic podcast, all about being an entrepreneur and creating kick ass content to market yourself and your business. I have a not also secret superpower for copywriting, marketing and content, and I've helped hundreds of folks just like you show up with a ton of confidence in the online space. I've been doing this content thing for 20 years and I believe the real magic is a combo of intuition, creativity and strategy.

Lindsay [00:00:50]:
You can create content for your business without losing your mind, I promise. So tune in every week for tangible content tips, inspiring guests, and some real spicy opinions. Probably mine. Ready to dive in? Let's go. Well, hello and welcome back to the podcast. And this is episode five and the final episode in my special series called how to start a love affair with email marketing. So if you're just tuning in and just joining us, I'm going to encourage you to go back to the beginning of this series. We started at episode 30.

Lindsay [00:01:26]:
And also, if you have not grabbed the workbook yet, I'm going to encourage you to do that as well. You can get it on my website, creative CA workbook, so you can print that up and follow along with this series. You'll be able to develop your own email marketing strategy and as well come up with some content follower, your own email list. Okay, so let's dive in here. Today we are talking about nurture sequences. And I know I keep saying this about every topic, but this is like the thing about nurture sequences that I love both on like behalf of me and my own business and doing them for other clients is like it's a, it's like a puzzle to figure out what information goes where and like what makes sense. Because essentially like a nurture sequence is like you're taking people sort of like down a path. So and they represent your clients buying journey from free thing to becoming a warm lead, to becoming a hot lead, to expressing interest in your paid offers, services, products.

Lindsay [00:02:45]:
So that's why I find it such a cool challenge to try and figure out. So really, here's what does not happen in the online space like we talked about, lead magnets and opt ins in a previous episode. So let's say you promoted that free thing on social media. Somebody found it and they're like, yep, that's the thing I need. They fill out a form and then, you know, they get a bunch of emails and then they don't say, oh, my God, I love this person. Whatever they have, I need to buy it. That doesn't happen from one email. So this is why we develop a nurture sequence, because it does exactly that.

Lindsay [00:03:25]:
It sort of nurtures a person through a journey. And so the way it works with a nurture sequence, it's kind of like an exchange of values. So the person on the other end of this sequence, they get a ton of value. And our value in exchange is that we get to showcase exactly what we're about, right. So this is sort of our chance to be like, here's who I am, here's what I'm about, here's what I do, while also offering the other person a bunch of stuff. And these emails are automated. So whatever email provider that you use, my whole website is on Kajabi. So for me, it's pretty easy to do.

Lindsay [00:04:12]:
So this means that you write this once and then it continues to perform for you. Like it's triggered by somebody filling out that form. So the nurture sequence usually ranges from, like three emails up to 1010 is a lot. I've seen people that do ten. I think that's for, like, not for my type of clients who are like solopreneurs and service providers. I think that really depends what kind of, like, niche and industry that you're in. When I do these for my copywriting clients, I usually do like five. So, like, ten emails.

Lindsay [00:04:47]:
I don't. I mean, I don't think anybody who is just a one person business is sending like, a ten email sequence. So I'm going to give you an example of, like, what the first two emails in a sequence might look like. So the first one is, I call it the hooray email. So this is triggered when somebody fills out your form and they get this email immediately. And usually that email contains the free thing, whatever it is, or a link to the free thing or whatever it is. And so it usually goes, yay, you got the thing. And I just know it's going to, like, change everything for you.

Lindsay [00:05:24]:
I know you've been struggling with XYz and I can't wait to hear about how this is going to change your, whatever it is, your skin, your health, your content, and then you're going to end with a call to action. You always want to end with some sort of next step. For example, you know, tune into my podcast for even more content on health, plumbing, whatever it is that niche you're in. Okay, so that's super simple. That's just the hooray email number two, which we would probably send a few days later. I call this the empathy email. So the point of this email is like, you know, you kind of want your person sort of like nodding along and being like, huh? Yeah, this person totally understands me. And that's, and that's what the point of this whole sequence is, is that we want people on the other side to feel seen so that they know that we are the answer to this issue that they're having.

Lindsay [00:06:26]:
Whatever your free thing is, it's answering a problem, solving a problem, because remember, we did the market research earlier. So whatever the problem it is that it's solving, we want people to know that we have even more stuff to help them solve that problem. So this email is usually like, you want to personalize your emails. Like, hey, Kim Kardashian, like, you know, I know you've been struggling with x, y, z. I've been there and I totally understand, and this is what I did. And maybe this will help you, too. And this is also why I put together this, you know, this free whatever it is. And then you're going to, again, you're going to have like a question or a call to action or next step, and you're going to say, did you get a chance to review this? Whatever the free thing is? What did you love about it? That's an open ended question.

Lindsay [00:07:18]:
That's from my journalism days. So they can't say yes or no. Reply to this email and let me know. I'd love to hear from you. So the point of this one is, and this is true for, like, all of your content. So you want to be on the other. Like, look at it from the other perspective and always ask, what's in it for me? Like your, your reader, your client, you always want to ask the question, what's in it for me? Or who cares? Because that's going to help you get super clear, and it's also going to help you really zone in on what the benefits are because you want somebody on the other end to be. This is our chat.

Lindsay [00:07:58]:
We talk about this in the online space all the time, this know and trust thing. And I, when it comes to, like, a nurture sequence, I really think it's about, it's more about the trust thing. And more about the belief thing. And you have to use. And this is why brand voice is also so important. Because on the other end of this nurture sequence or the other end of this buyer journey, you're positioning yourself as you are the person that can solve this problem. You want to make sure that your other content and the way you appear, like in the digital space is the same as how you appear in real life. And these are just examples.

Lindsay [00:08:40]:
Inside my new program, the email lab, we get into nurture sequences in more detail. Like, again, I only gave you like two examples, but what's so great about this program is that it combines workshops like this with like, prompts and some like, fill in the blanks templates that is going to make this so much easier for you. So I've done the hard work of figuring out the puzzle, and all you have to do is like, put the pieces together so you can go and check that out again on my website, lindsaysmithcreative CA email. And yeah, it's the, there's sort of like three parts of this new program. Write emails faster, know exactly what you're going to write because no, more like staring at the screen with that like blinking cursor. And you're also going to. And here's the thing about nurture sequence. Like, you have to have this type of thing if you want to make money.

Lindsay [00:09:45]:
And that's the third thing about the email app. It's teaching you to use email marketing to make money. So I want to leave you with a couple of numbers before we sign off here. So a well curated nurture strategy will get you ten times the response rate compared to like one single email. And that's what we want. So we want, we want more touch points with our ideal clients. So anytime somebody responds to our email, or really, same with all client, like, same with all content, somebody who responds to our DM's, somebody who leaves us a review on our podcast. These are all touch points with ideal customers, right? And we talked about sales cycle.

Lindsay [00:10:30]:
So a well written nurture sequence, it has a 23% shorter sales cycle. So you're essentially shortening the sales cycle with a well crafted nurture sequence or welcome sequence. And one more number I want to leave you with a nurtured leads tend to make 47% larger purchases that leads that aren't nurtured. So think about that for a minute. That's like, that's like half. So I'm super excited about this new program that I put together. And I put it together for people like you who are like, I know email marketing is really important. I've started to build a list.

Lindsay [00:11:19]:
I have a list. I just don't know what to do with it. So go check it out. Lindsaysmithcreative ca emaillab and I'm really hoping to see you in there. So until next time, gang toodaloo and we'll see you soon. Thank you so much for listening. If you loved what you heard, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, or share this episode on social media. And don't forget to tag me on Instagram.

Lindsay [00:11:46]:
Lindsaysmithcreative and if you do all three, I'll be your best friend forever and invite you to all my birthday parties. That's it for today, and I'll see you next time.



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