Healing your relationship with money with Hanna Bier | Ep. 9 Content Magic with Lindsay Smith

Jan 23, 2024
Lindsay Smith
Healing your relationship with money with Hanna Bier | Ep. 9 Content Magic with Lindsay Smith

In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Hanna about money. She shares her personal journey of stumbling into becoming a money healer and specializing in emotional healing and trauma release. We also chat about how money can be viewed as a supportive and loving force and doesn't have to be forced and hard. 

00:00 Creating standout online content for entrepreneurs' success.

06:08 Money flow reflects childhood love; self-inquiry needed.

10:12 Struggle to shift mindset from scarcity to abundance.

11:39 Maintain high vibration for consistent money flow.

17:36 Money influences ancestral and emotional well-being deeply.

20:41 Effortless transformation through subconscious energy clearing.

21:35 Clear overactive brain and deflated feelings. Not normal.

Instagram: @hannamoneybliss
Website: hannabier.com
Free subliminal audio: The Money Bliss


Lindsay [00:00:03]:
If you have an online business, you're creating content. And the way you create content is more important than ever. It's really noisy out there, and learning to stand out is the only way. Hey, I'm Lindsay and I'm the host of the content Magic podcast, all about being an entrepreneur and creating kick ass content to market yourself and your business. I have a not so secret superpower for copywriting, marketing and content, and I've helped hundreds of folks just like you show up with a ton of confidence in the online space. I've been doing this content thing for 20 years, and I believe the real magic is a combo of intuition, creativity, and strategy. You can create content for your business without losing your mind, I promise. So tune in every week for tangible content, tips, inspiring guests, and some real spicy opinions.

Lindsay [00:00:55]:
Probably mine. Ready to dive in?

Lindsay [00:00:57]:
Let's go.

Hanna [00:00:59]:
Hi, everyone.

Lindsay [00:00:59]:
Welcome back to the podcast. And I'm really excited to have another guest for you today. My friend Hannah. We met in a networking group, and then she came over to my call and she was full of fire and I was like, whoa, can you come on the podcast? So I'd like to introduce you to my friend Hannah. She's a money healer. She's got tons of smartitude. Welcome, Hannah.

Hanna [00:01:23]:
I'm so glad it turned out this way because when I was on your call and spitting all my strongly held beliefs, the first time that I was there, I was like, oh, God, this could go either way. And I did have a little bit of a vulnerability hangover afterwards and was like, going to have to go back and make sure that they still like me.

Lindsay [00:01:42]:
Oh, my God.

Hanna [00:01:44]:
That it all worked out and that we're friends now.

Lindsay [00:01:46]:
Yeah, I have a call on Tuesdays that's open to all women entrepreneurs. And, yeah, we get real spicy on there sometimes. So we love the spicy opinions and we're all about being real and safe. So thank you for coming to that and contributing to that feeling.

Hanna [00:02:07]:
Makes me feel really happy and warm inside.

Lindsay [00:02:10]:
So can you tell us who you are, where you are, and what you do, and who you help?

Hanna [00:02:17]:
Yeah. My name is Hannah. I live in the south of Germany. You can just picture the sound of music. That's pretty much my life. It's all rolling hills and old churches and cobblestone streets. And I do sing on hills every now and then. And I have a little babe.

Hanna [00:02:31]:
So we spend most of our days just playing outside in the mud and in the woods. And when I'm not doing that, I'm a money healer. I help ambitious women heal their relationship with money, live in financial overflow, always have lots of it, and yeah, enjoy their wonderful lives.

Lindsay [00:02:47]:
And so tell me the story of how you found this as your calling or what's your entrepreneurial journey? What made you decide? Okay, this is what I want to do.

Hanna [00:03:00]:
I stumbled into it. I didn't really decide it. I was studying fashion. I had the dream of becoming my own boss. So I thought, well, maybe one day I can own a fashion company. And so I didn't really know what to do. Went to school for fashion. As I was there, I was struggling with cpdisty, anxiety, depression.

Hanna [00:03:23]:
I could hardly get out of bed. I was in this really dark cloud. And so I started finding these healing tools and emotional healing modalities, and it really helped me and I started to feel a lot better. And so the people around me, my friends and family, were like, what are you doing? What's going on? And they came to me with all of their questions. And so over a time, that's how I kind of stumbled into being a healer and into a business owner. I really stumbled into it because it was not my plan. And then after many, many years of specializing in emotional healing and trauma release, because I'm clairvoyant. So I see energy when I look at a person, I see, like, colors around them and dark spots, and I can kind of be like, oh, so there was something here around the age of seven where you felt heartbroken, or there was this thing or that thing, and I've always talked to, like, jesus and the fly on the wall, and I've just kind of always been this way.

Hanna [00:04:19]:
And for most of my life, I didn't really know what to do with it. But then with my clients, it came in really handy because I was able to read them and figure out what was going on. We were able to release the energy quite quickly. And so they felt these amazing inner shifts at first, where they felt really light and bright and happy, and their lives started working better. And then these money side effects started showing up, and I was in a terrible blaze with money for most of my life. Like, I was the last person to give money advice to anybody. So that's like the big kind of joke about my life, that I ended up being a money healer. But with my clients, all these amazing money side effects started showing up where the promotions happened and the new businesses were being started and the clients kind of came in and the money started showing up.

Hanna [00:05:02]:
And so more and more people came to me for money healing. And then over time, that's kind of what I came. That's what people said about me. Oh, yeah. I was really great at money healing. I was like, oh, what? And so again, I stumbled into being a healer, and then I stumbled into being a money healer because my clients just kind of anointed me that. So that's what I am and what I do today, I guess.

Lindsay [00:05:27]:
Oh, I love that. Yeah. And sometimes it takes a little bit of effort before your own clients kind of guide you. And you're like, wait, I'm really good at this. I think I'm going to keep going. I feel like everybody talks when people talk about money. They're like, oh, it's a loaded topic. And I feel like with you, it's not really a loaded topic.

Lindsay [00:05:52]:
It's just like, why can't it be easy? So why can't making money be easy? And if somebody's like, oh, my God, I'm struggling and nobody's buying my thing, and what do you say to those people that feel like they're struggling all the time?

Hanna [00:06:08]:
Yeah. I would say that the way money flows in your life today directly correlates with how love flowed between you and your main caregivers when you were little. I'm going to say this again. The way that money flows in your life today directly correlates with how love flowed between you and mom and dad when you were a little babe, because money is an expression of love. When you were tiny, your parents were supposed to love you and care for you and give you treats and toys and snuggles and a lovely bed and cozy jammies to wear. And now that you're an adult, you're supposed to use money to love yourself, to have a wonderful home, and to buy that plane ticket to see, to go to your best friend's wedding across the country, and to go sign up for that retreat and to go buy the organic food that's going to fuel your body. And so if you don't have this inner capacity to receive a lot of love, have a lot of love, especially in the form of money, that's going to be really hard to create for you. And so you can do a little self inquiry with me now where you can go back to your childhood and just think, how did I perceive love at that time? What was your personal perception? Was love abundant? Were your parents always there for you, attuned, patient loving? Was love really dependable? And if it wasn't, and it felt like there was always this lack, you could never get enough, even if your parents did their best it just felt like you were longing for this overflow of love that would really satisfy you, and you never really got there.

Hanna [00:07:40]:
Is your money now feeling scarce? Does it feel like it's not enough, even when you have a good amount? For some of my clients, the money story is that in their early years, love didn't really feel dependable. Sometimes the parents were really attuned and really loving, and sometimes they weren't. So sometimes they had love, sometimes they hadn't. And it's the same with money in their lives today, where they can create these windfalls of money, but they don't really have anything to show for at the end of the day. Or they have extreme droughts, extreme overflow, and it's this crazy roller coaster. And then yet another group that's really common is where, as children, we learn that we receive love if we fit into this specific role in our family of origin that was designed for us. If I'm a good little girl and if I'm a good little boy and I behave exactly in this way, then I'll get love. And then later on.

Hanna [00:08:31]:
As adults, we constantly betray ourselves for money. We might be in a job that's not aligned. We might be working way too much. We might be working with people who are just not our cup of tea at all. We might know that something needs to change, but this feeling of, in order to have love and money, I have to betray myself, is so strong that that's what shows up in your adult life today. So anybody listening can do this little inquiry to begin to unravel why your money is flowing the way it's flowing. And in my work, we really open up the flow of love. We help you become an amazing receiver of love.

Hanna [00:09:08]:
And money is an expression of love. So when you're an amazing receiver of love, you can love yourself enough to receive all the financial resources that your heart desires and then some.

Lindsay [00:09:20]:
I love that. And that's a really cool analogy. And I think it's interesting. And I've seen in my own entrepreneurial journey, and I was just talking about this yesterday, the times when I've had this desperate energy. I put some program out or something. I just was like, oh, my God, I need five people to sign up, is when nothing happens. Or if I put out a program that I'm like, oh, this is really exciting. I'm really super excited about this.

Lindsay [00:09:52]:
And I take some of that pressure off, then all of a sudden, these random clients show up, or these cool projects show up. Is that something that you find with your clients, when they sort of have that desperate energy that it sort of repels any income or any clients or any buyers.

Hanna [00:10:12]:
Absolutely. The thing that always kind of rubs me the wrong way is when clients come to me and they've been told, you need to feel abundant, and then everything will fall into place, and they're like, have you seen my bank account? Have you seen that I have kids to feed? Like, have you seen this? And it is true. It can sometimes feel like a curse when you're feeling the scarcity and you're feeling really scared and terrified, and you can't just shift into an abundant state. Many people really struggle with this. For somebody who feels like they are in this downward spiral, in this funk, in this feeling of being really scared. The thing that I always recommend for people is to kind of do both, do both the money making activities and the sales and the marketing and the prospecting, the talking to people and all of that, and clear your blocks at the same time. But so often we're being told, well, you need to feel good and abundant. Only then will money show up.

Hanna [00:11:12]:
But how about money is allowed to show up even when you feel terrible? How about money is allowed to show up and comfort you and love you, even when you're confused, even when you don't believe in yourself. And so one of the things that I love to do with my clients is I like to kind of find the conditions that we place on receiving money. Like the condition I just mentioned would be, I have to be in a good mental state in order to receive money.

Lindsay [00:11:37]:
You have to be high vibe all the time, right?

Hanna [00:11:39]:
Yeah, you have to be high vibe all the time. Only then will money show up, or you have to be working a certain amount. Only then will money show up, or you have to be an entrepreneur. Only then will money show up, or you have to be working for a company, and only then will you have a consistent income. And so that's part of my work as an energy healer, where I read my clients'energy fields and we clear all of those conditions because I think it's more loving and more generous for my clients to be allowed to be real human beings who go through all the different feelings that humans experience, and you still get to receive love in the form of money. And to tie that back to what I said earlier as a child, where you love, regardless of how you were feeling and acting, was love, this extremely dependable thing. And that's what we want to create in your world where money is loving and dependable and caring. For you and protecting you, and you always have so much that you can sleep soundly at night, and there's even more coming, and you're making sales and getting new orders and getting fresh money every single day.

Hanna [00:12:41]:
Why wouldn't money love you to that extent? Why wouldn't it be there for you in this way?

Lindsay [00:12:48]:
I love that. And it reminds me a lot of parenting, right? It's the same way, like, if my kids are having a tough time or whatever, like, my youngest has tantrums.

Hanna [00:13:03]:

Lindsay [00:13:04]:
It'S tough because sometimes you have to dig deep for this, and it's like, well, even though you're having a hard time and you're telling me you hate me, I still love you, right? It's kind of like the same idea. And I think so much of entrepreneurship is a lot like parenting. It's like you learn so many lessons, and there's, like, so many. I don't know, I find so many parallels. Do you find that?

Hanna [00:13:28]:
Absolutely. I love what you just touched on, because I have come to see money as, like, the third parent, where you've got mommy and you've got daddy, and then you've got money as a third parent, guiding you, flowing love into you. And so if we can begin to see money not as this obstacle, because that's what it was like for me growing up. It was always, can't do this because of money. Have to do that because of money. So money was the decision maker. We weren't making decisions based on soul or based on what was most aligned. Like, decisions were made based on money.

Hanna [00:14:06]:
And that's how I made the decision. I really hope to figure this stupid money thing out one day, because this is terrible. And so when we can shift into a place where money is a solution, where money is like the wind in our sails, where money is the thing that opens doors for us, where money is the stuffy that lets us sleep at night, where money is like the wonderful ship that takes us through the different seasons of our lives. Money, I believe, really wants to give to us. It wants to love us, it wants to care for us. And most people feel best when money is allowed to show up as kind of like a parent, as somebody who guides us. Money has always pushed my sorest buttons. The most wounded parts of me, the parts of me where I had all these confidence bobbles and I didn't really believe in myself, and where I was terrified of the future, especially money, brought that out.

Hanna [00:15:01]:
And so, in a way, money is relentlessly kind because it will always show us exactly the wounds that we need to heal.

Lindsay [00:15:09]:
I love that. That's very cool. And something you said just made me think about the way I speak about money in front of my kids. Right. Because you think about some of your money stories as a kid growing up and some of the things you learned or the way your own parents spoke about money. And so it makes me very aware of how I talk about money with my kids and not saying things like, we can't afford it, instead saying, well, it's just not a priority right now, or teaching them some of those habits that I didn't learn until later in life, almost as an adult. And it's interesting because my father was an accountant, but his mindset on money was completely different. It was always, never enough.

Lindsay [00:15:58]:
Never enough. Never enough. Right. Which obviously, I carried it into adulthood. So it's interesting, and I am very intentional, the way I speak about money in front of the kids and not talk about rich people versus poor people and what that means or talking about. I don't know. I don't even talk about, like, one day when you go up and get a job, because I'm like, maybe that's not the way. Or maybe that's not what they're thinking about.

Lindsay [00:16:34]:
Right. If they've watched me work for myself for ten years, I'm kind of like, maybe that's not the answer. Growing up and getting a job, maybe there's something else for them out there. So some of those things, I'm always very careful what I say because they're little sponges and they absorb everything.

Hanna [00:16:54]:
Yeah. I love that you're touching on the family aspect, because we accumulate decades worth of emotional baggage around money. Decades worth of it. When a client comes to me and they're in their 40s, that's 40 plus years of messaging and all the disappointments and all the hopes and dreams and all. Just all that stuff sitting in their bodies. And pretty much all of my clients, when they start, everybody has something, whether it's like a weird pain in the neck or an autoimmune thing that just won't go away. Even though they're doing all the right things or, like, ruminating thoughts at night. We feel it in our bodies, like the emotional turmoil that's sitting inside of us.

Hanna [00:17:36]:
It really affects how our body is functioning. And in addition to our own emotional baggage, with money, we also have our ancestor story. With money, we have our parents'points of view with money that we also need to clear. And it's like, it's a lot of stuff it doesn't take a long time to clear, but it's a lot to clear. And what gets me excited about it is that the opportunity for positive change in money healing work is so amazing. Most of us don't go there. Most of us read the financial books, and most of us take the marketing courses, and most of us try to meditate it all away or hypnotize it all away. But we never really go in and take that really deeply cleansing inner shower.

Hanna [00:18:21]:
We just put more stuff in. And so that's pretty much, like, there's just two things that I do with my clients. I clear them out, and then I teach them how to make a ton of money. But it's really nice to get rid of all of this stuff, like everything that you were taught about money, everything that you think you can do or that you can't do, or everything that you think you are, and then to just see how you can relate to money from this very fresh point of view. And it does set your entire family free. It does set your children free, because when we clear the pattern in you, everybody else releases it as well.

Lindsay [00:18:59]:
Yeah, I love that. Something I was talking about with another guest was this idea of these stories that we have right from childhood, whatever, that are sometimes subconscious. Like, it's this loop that's always played in our head. So is it possible to completely clear that, or will it come up at a later time in a different form? What's your belief?

Hanna [00:19:24]:
We can completely and totally clear it. So that's just the energy clearings that I do. So once the energy is gone, it doesn't return. And it happens all the time where I'm laughing with a client, like, hey, do you remember that you had this block once upon a time, or do you remember that you struggled with this? And look at you now. You're just telling me that this and that happened. One of my artist clients just landed, like, a huge deal with this elevator company. She's going to design elevators now. How cool is that? And so when clients come to me and they're telling me about the amazing things that they're doing, my mind sometimes goes to, oh, yeah, we cleared this and this and this and this.

Hanna [00:20:03]:
And then when I point it out, they don't remember. They're like, what? That doesn't sound like me. We didn't do that. And I'm like, this is awesome, because you just forget. So when we think about the fact that between the ages of zero and seven, your subconscious mind is being filled in with the messaging on how to do life. If we just clear all of this out. And I'm not a big fan of eft and hypnosis and stuff because it's just putting more stuff in and it's so slow. I like to clear my clients out and just release all of it so they can come from a fresh perspective.

Hanna [00:20:41]:
The subconscious wiring that you're currently living your life from takes no effort to implement, right? And so in the same sense, when you're so cleared out, the new version of you who feels powerful and strong and excited and energized and sees money making opportunities everywhere and loves herself enough to act on the most profitable ones and bring her projects all the way through to fruition and is open and receptive to any amount of money, it takes no effort to be that way. It takes no daily meditation. Once my clients are done with my work, they're done. What else would we do? Yeah, we can work together to make them even more money, sure. But the energy clearing work, at some point it's just gone. And that's one of the things that I love so much. I don't have a daily ritual. I don't know.

Hanna [00:21:35]:
It's really cool. So to answer your question very quickly, yes, we can clear it all the way. And it's not normal to constantly have a brain that's overactive and to have like, a deflated sense in your tummy or to feel like somebody punched you in the gut when you see that your friend had an amazing success and you know, you should be happy, but really wish it had happened for you. All of these. Life isn't supposed to feel this way. And at some level in our bodies, we know that.

Lindsay [00:22:04]:
This is lovely. You're lovely. So where can everybody find you?

Hanna [00:22:11]:
Yeah, my website is hannahbeer.com. That's hannabier.com. So it's Hannah spelled without the h at the end. You're also welcome to connect with me on Instagram at Hannah Moneybliss. I wrote a book called wealth from Within. Anybody who likes to read, grab your copy. Yeah. And then I also have a free subliminal on my website, so you just check out my website and see what tickles your fancy today.

Lindsay [00:22:37]:
Awesome. Thank you so much for joining us, Hannah, it's always a pleasure.

Hanna [00:22:41]:
Thanks for having me.

Lindsay [00:22:43]:
Thanks, everyone. We'll see you next time.

Lindsay [00:22:46]:
Thank you so much for listening. If you loved what you heard, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, or share this episode on social media. And don't forget to tag me on Instagram at Lindsaysmith Creative. And if you do all three, I'll be your best friend forever and invite you to all my birthday parties. That's it for today, and I'll see you next time.


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