Entitlement energy | Ep. 4 Content Magic with Lindsay Smith

Dec 06, 2023
Lindsay Smith
Entitlement energy | Ep. 4 Content Magic with Lindsay Smith

Today, I'm diving into the concept of entitlement energy and how it can impact your business. I chat about my own experiences and feeling entitled in my own entrepreneurial journey, from expecting opportunities just magically appear to recognizing the importance of consistently promoting myself. 

00:00 Podcast on entrepreneurship, content creation, and marketing.

06:23 Sharing daily interactions and world on Instagram.

07:55 Creating hype for new product or service.

11:48 Reevaluating relevance and rectifying past experiences.


Speaker A [00:00:03]:
If you have an online business, you're creating content.

Speaker B [00:00:06]:
And the way you create content is more important than ever. It's really noisy out there, and learning.

Speaker A [00:00:12]:
To stand out is the only way. Hey, I'm Lindsay, and I'm the host.

Speaker B [00:00:16]:
Of the Content Magic podcast, all about being an entrepreneur and creating kick ass content to market yourself and your business. I have have a not so secret superpower for copywriting marketing and content, and I've helped hundreds of folks just like you show up with a ton of confidence in the online space. I've been doing this content thing for 20 years, and I believe the real magic is a combo of intuition, creativity, and strategy. You can create content for your business without losing your mind, I promise. So tune in every week for tangible content tips, inspiring guests, and some real spicy opinions. Probably mine. Ready to dive in.

Speaker A [00:00:57]:
Let's go. Hey, and welcome back. So today we're going to be chatting about entitlement energy. So this is something that was brought up recently. My friend Jillian mentioned it on, I don't know, somewhere I was. And it's this idea that you just kind of walk through your business with, well, feeling entitled. And at first it didn't resonate, and I was kind of like, what? I don't do that. And then I kind of realized after thinking about it for a day or two, that, well, yes, I do do it.

Speaker A [00:01:35]:
So if you listen to my first episode, I talked a little bit about sort of how I came to do what I do now. And in my 20s, well, in early 30s as well, I just had a lot of opportunities, and I just took all of them. So I moved around a lot.

Speaker C [00:01:58]:
I had a lot like, I lived.

Speaker A [00:02:00]:
In Latin America, I lived in the US. I took all these internships. I took all these, like, study abroad know, like, a cool job offer came my way, and I took it. And not to say that I didn't work hard for, you know, I came from this very small town in Quebec, Canada. A lot of the people I grew up know didn't have the same experiences as I. And I remember a friend once saying.

Speaker C [00:02:30]:
To me, like, are you trying to find yourself? And I wasn't.

Speaker A [00:02:35]:
It just so happened that I kept applying for these cool things and kept doing them. And at the time, it didn't really seem like cool things.

Speaker C [00:02:45]:
I just was, like, young, and it was like a cool it's just like a next step.

Speaker A [00:02:53]:
And I remember when I left my journalism job and I went back to this small town and a friend said I was kind of having this existential crisis about leaving. It was the big tsunami at the time. And I felt this weird, like, I don't know, responsibility to be reporting on the news and bringing people the right information. And it turned out that broadcast news I just was like, I don't think.

Speaker C [00:03:20]:
I want to do this.

Speaker A [00:03:21]:
And I remember a friend saying, oh, don't worry, you always do cool stuff. Like another cool thing will come along.

Speaker C [00:03:27]:
I was like, oh, shit, am I.

Speaker A [00:03:30]:
The person that does cool things?

Speaker C [00:03:32]:
So, I don't know.

Speaker A [00:03:34]:
And at the time, it was just.

Speaker C [00:03:35]:
Like, I didn't really think about it.

Speaker A [00:03:37]:
Was just like, oh, okay, here's something. I think I'll do that now. Oh, here's something, I think I'll do that now, right?

Speaker C [00:03:42]:
There wasn't this pressure that there is when you're a grown up, when you're in your forty s, I guess, of.

Speaker A [00:03:50]:
Making the right decisions.

Speaker C [00:03:52]:
So that's one part.

Speaker A [00:03:56]:
These opportunities just fell in my lap.

Speaker D [00:03:58]:
And I took them, I mean, fell.

Speaker A [00:04:00]:
In my lap, kind of, but also I did look for the opportunities and.

Speaker C [00:04:05]:
Apply for the things, and it just kept happening.

Speaker A [00:04:08]:
So there was this energy of the.

Speaker D [00:04:10]:
Things kept happening, right?

Speaker A [00:04:12]:
And at the time I just was like, okay, cool, that's what I'm doing now. Okay, cool.

Speaker C [00:04:15]:
That's what I'm doing now.

Speaker A [00:04:16]:
And even though there was fear and whatever, I just kept doing it anyways. So back to my friend Jillian, who mentioned this idea of entitlement energy in your so.

Speaker C [00:04:25]:
And you know, it's weird, when I.

Speaker A [00:04:29]:
Introduce myself at different network meetings and networking meetings and stuff, I always say, like, I've been doing this for 20 years. Like, I say it in my intro.

Speaker C [00:04:38]:
And so sometimes I think about this and I'm kind of like, because I've.

Speaker A [00:04:43]:
Been doing it for so long, do I expect the people to just be.

Speaker C [00:04:46]:
Like that I'm the obvious choice because.

Speaker A [00:04:50]:
I've been doing it for so long and there's other people who've been doing.

Speaker C [00:04:53]:
It for five minutes. So I think that's how my entitlement energy shows up.

Speaker A [00:04:59]:
Kind of like, don't you know I am, right? Like, I've been doing this for so.

Speaker C [00:05:05]:
Much longer than everybody else, so obviously chose me.

Speaker A [00:05:12]:
And again, it took me a couple of days to sort of figure that out, and I was like, oh, I'm.

Speaker C [00:05:16]:
Really leaning on that.

Speaker A [00:05:18]:
Of course I'm the obvious choice.

Speaker C [00:05:19]:
Look at all this stuff I've done, right? But that's not necessarily important to someone.

Speaker A [00:05:26]:
Who has just met me or has just found my content.

Speaker C [00:05:30]:
So it's something I've been thinking about. And here's the other thing, and it seems like obvious, like, are you selling your product or service every day? And it doesn't have to be a.

Speaker A [00:05:42]:
Hard sell, it doesn't have to be like limited Time Buy now. You're not Best Buy, so it doesn't.

Speaker C [00:05:49]:
Have to look like that.

Speaker A [00:05:51]:
But are you talking about your product.

Speaker C [00:05:54]:
Or service every day in some way, right? Are you saying, like, yeah, my client.

Speaker A [00:06:02]:
Inside my XYZ program came with this, and then she said this? Are you mentioning that on podcasts? Are you throwing that into an email? Are you talking about that on a story? Like, for example, I have my Content.

Speaker C [00:06:18]:
And Coffee Community call every Tuesday, so it's free.

Speaker A [00:06:23]:
But still, it does serve a purpose. It does bring people into my world. So I often talk about that in my Instagram stories. I'm kind of like, this is what we talked about today, and here's what someone said, and here's what someone else said, and here was the result kind of thing. So even though I'm not hard selling.

Speaker C [00:06:44]:
It, I'm still talking about it, right?

Speaker A [00:06:50]:
You can sell every day in a way that is not like, buy this thing now. You're just sort of like it's like name dropping, right?

Speaker C [00:06:58]:
Just being like, oh, yeah.

Speaker A [00:06:59]:
My friend Kim Kardashian, right? It's sort of that same kind of thing.

Speaker C [00:07:05]:
And it seems like such an obvious thing, but even I miss it sometimes I forget to talk about my specific offers.

Speaker A [00:07:15]:
Even if it's free, even if it's like, this free training, this free call, this free whatever.

Speaker C [00:07:21]:
Or are you throwing it in a PS?

Speaker A [00:07:24]:
Like at the end of your emails or something? Like PS?

Speaker C [00:07:27]:
I have this thing and including a link. So that's the other part.

Speaker D [00:07:34]:
And I don't know, sometimes I think.

Speaker C [00:07:40]:
Is it laziness that I'm kind of.

Speaker A [00:07:44]:
Like, oh, I have this thing for sale.

Speaker C [00:07:45]:
I'm just going to tell the people.

Speaker D [00:07:48]:
Okay, thanks. Bye.

Speaker A [00:07:50]:
Other times, I think you can do.

Speaker C [00:07:51]:
All the things like some sort of.

Speaker A [00:07:55]:
Launch and some sort of master class. This is if you're a service provider. But even if you have a product too, yes, you probably are hyping up something. If you have a new product launch, there's like a hype period, right?

Speaker D [00:08:09]:
So I don't know.

Speaker A [00:08:13]:
I don't even think it's laziness. It may be that intelligent energy just.

Speaker C [00:08:19]:
Kind of like, well, here's this thing.

Speaker A [00:08:22]:
Everybody come.

Speaker D [00:08:23]:
Okay, bye.

Speaker A [00:08:24]:
So you still have to do the.

Speaker C [00:08:26]:
Work, and you still have to do the work because you're probably still talking to the same people. So you always have to work to bring new customers.

Speaker A [00:08:39]:
And this applies to if you're a.

Speaker C [00:08:41]:
Service or a product.

Speaker D [00:08:42]:
I think so, I don't know, maybe.

Speaker A [00:08:45]:
It'S a question, like, is this entitlement energy showing up for you? And how is it being felt on the other side? How is it being felt by your potential clients or customers? Or is it being felt at all?

Speaker C [00:09:02]:
Right, so in my case, I'm just.

Speaker D [00:09:04]:
Kind of like.

Speaker A [00:09:07]:
Sometimes I've been like, don't you know I am. Here's this amazing offer. Thanks, bye. Right, like, right now you get these.

Speaker C [00:09:15]:
Ads for speaking of Kim Kardashian, she.

Speaker A [00:09:19]:
Has this SKIMS brand, right? And she's got some, like, Swarovsky crystals, something or other.

Speaker D [00:09:25]:
I don't know.

Speaker C [00:09:26]:
I keep getting the ads for it.

Speaker A [00:09:28]:
And the other day I was just curious, so I was, like, scrolling the comments on it.

Speaker C [00:09:32]:
I was like, oh my God, I'd love to have this.

Speaker A [00:09:34]:
So unattainable. Too expensive.

Speaker C [00:09:37]:
So I feel like there's somebody who embodies Entitlement Energy, right? Like, she has this SKIMS brand of.

Speaker A [00:09:48]:
Whatever you call it, shapewear, I guess she launched some swarovski crystal Holiday thing.

Speaker C [00:09:56]:
And the People Are going Nuts Over it. I mean, obviously, she's got, like, a.

Speaker D [00:10:00]:
Marketing Machine Behind her, but all she.

Speaker A [00:10:04]:
Has to do is Throw It Out.

Speaker C [00:10:06]:
There and the people go nuts.

Speaker A [00:10:08]:
Or if you look at, like, Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop.

Speaker C [00:10:12]:

Speaker A [00:10:13]:
Like, how many times has she Been Made Fun of for the Ridiculous stuff that she Talks about? I don't know. And is that Entitlement Energy that she.

Speaker C [00:10:23]:
Wants to charge $6 million for some Sort of IV that she has every.

Speaker A [00:10:31]:
Day because it's Some sort of health thing?

Speaker D [00:10:34]:
I don't know.

Speaker A [00:10:35]:
There was Something going like, there was a ton of memes going around recently about her, like, what she had in a day. And it was like, bone broth and.

Speaker C [00:10:42]:

Speaker A [00:10:46]:
IV nutrients and supplements and then another cup of bone broth. Anyways, there was, like, a ton of Reels going around making fun of her.

Speaker C [00:10:56]:

Speaker D [00:10:57]:
I don't know.

Speaker C [00:10:58]:
That's funny. Do people want to be like Gwyneth Paltrow?

Speaker A [00:11:05]:
And do people want to spend their.

Speaker C [00:11:07]:
Day eating like she does or I don't know.

Speaker A [00:11:11]:
She promotes a ton of products that are completely unattainable for the regular person.

Speaker C [00:11:17]:
But who knows?

Speaker A [00:11:18]:
Maybe her target Market is not the regular person. Maybe I'm not her target market.

Speaker C [00:11:22]:
So it's interesting, right?

Speaker A [00:11:25]:
Like, where are you showing up in your business and you're just kind of.

Speaker C [00:11:28]:
Like, oh, my God.

Speaker A [00:11:33]:
You know when you used to have to back in the day, used to have to wait in line at the.

Speaker C [00:11:37]:
Bars and just be like, oh, my.

Speaker A [00:11:39]:
God, just let me in. Don't you know who I am?

Speaker C [00:11:41]:
So where are you showing up like.

Speaker A [00:11:44]:
That in your business? Where you don't feel like you have.

Speaker C [00:11:46]:
To wait in line at the bar?

Speaker A [00:11:48]:
And what can you do to kind of rectify it? So, for me, I've been leaning on this idea of 20 years of experience, and someone said to me, Maybe it's not that relevant. It's more relevant in what you're doing now. And maybe in my own head, sometimes.

Speaker C [00:12:04]:
I feel like if I tell people.

Speaker A [00:12:07]:
That I've been doing this for 20 years before Instagram Even existed, that Makes Me sound like I'm 90 years old.

Speaker D [00:12:13]:

Speaker A [00:12:13]:
I don't know. Maybe nobody wants to work with someone who's 90 years old.

Speaker D [00:12:17]:
I'm not actually 90.

Speaker A [00:12:18]:
I'm 44.

Speaker C [00:12:19]:
But again, maybe that's not something that's.

Speaker A [00:12:22]:
Relevant to My audience. Maybe they want to know What I'm doing now.

Speaker C [00:12:27]:
So that's it.

Speaker A [00:12:28]:
This was just a shorty one. And yeah, that's my question to you. Do you have Entitlement energy? Maybe you don't. And is it showing up somewhere?

Speaker C [00:12:39]:
And what could you do to fix it? So that's it For this episode, and.

Speaker A [00:12:44]:
We'Ll see you guys Next time.

Speaker B [00:12:46]:
Thank you so much for listening. If you loved what you heard, don't.

Speaker A [00:12:49]:
Forget to subscribe, leave a review or.

Speaker B [00:12:52]:
Share this episode on social media. And don't forget to tag tag me.

Speaker A [00:12:55]:
On Instagram at Lindsaysmith Creative.

Speaker B [00:12:57]:
And if you do all three, I'll be your best friend forever and invite you to all my birthday parties. That's it for today, and I'll see you next time.


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